There are a lot of things around the home that people take for granted until something bad happens to them. A lot of the time, you can avoid these nasty and unsanitary nuisances with a little thought and some routine drain maintenance. There are a lot of things around the home that people take for granted until something bad happens to them. It’s a mystery as to why home maintenance tends to focus on repairs instead of problem prevention and routine maintenance. There is no better example of this than the all-important drains around a home. Many Edmonton homeowners don’t think about the drains until the kitchen sink plugs up with all the grease that they poured into it. Or when the bathroom toilet spills over and leaves a stinky mess. A lot of the time, you can avoid these nasty and unsanitary nuisances with a little thought and some routine drain cleaning tips. For instance, pause before you pour something into the kitchen sink or toss something solid into the toilet (it’s especially true if it is a septic system and not a public sewer).
Put the grease from the frying pan into a coffee can until it cools and then throw it out. Also, be aware of washing small particles of solids into your kitchen drain even if you have a garbage disposal. Nothing but toilet paper should ever go into the toilet. Cigarette butts, sanitary napkins and other solid matter will almost assuredly get stuck someplace in the drain and eventually lead to a buildup that causes the drain to back up. Here are a few routine drain cleaning tips:
Kitchen Sink
Every once and a while it is a good idea to pour some very hot water down the drain. Don’t use boiling water because it is dangerous to handle and may harm plastic pipes. The very hot water will loosen any grease or grime that is lining the pipes and help flush it out of the system before it can completely close down a drain and make it back up. It is always a good idea to periodically clean the kitchen drain also. Try to avoid using harsh chemical drain cleaners when you do this. Natural drain cleaners such as vinegar, baking soda or lemon juice will do the trick. Make sure you flush the lines with water after using them.
Toilet Drains
Toilet drains are a lot harder to clog than sinks, but that does not mean they do not need routine maintenance. Use the same procedures on toilet drains as for the kitchen sink drains. There is one additional step for toilet drains. As mentioned, they get a lot of solids flushed down them whether it was accidental or on purpose. It is a great idea to snake out the toilet drain at least once a year to keep solids from building up and eventually causing a clog. These easy
drain cleaning tips
can go a long way toward keeping the all-important household drains in a person’s home flowing smoothly. For hard to get out clogs or drains that repeatedly back up and overflow, it is probably best to hire a professional plumber. Plumbers will remedy the problem and resolve any underlying causes once and for all.